We have still some miles to go. The kids decided to get their sleep after breakfast stop, that means we had some quite time in the car.
Arriving at our friend's (Alex & Evans) house around 13:00. We met Alex and his son the year before here in Montreal while hosting at our house. All this friendships get built through the couchsurfing.org community. Very kind people, they gave us their rooms to sleep in for the next 4 days.
Cape Elizabeth is right at the ocean front, very lovely town to live. But still a north-american town. One grocery store, a library and two schools. To do more, you will need the car and go to Portland.
We visited Portland and their coffee shops and for one exceptional time, we stepped in a children's museum. It was really nicely done. What else when it's raining. You should know, we do not appreciate activities all prepared and animated, we think it could narrow in the imagination of our kids.
In Cap Elizabeth we enjoyed all the lighthouses, the beaches, the sand and simply nature. There are several state parks like the two lights park, Crescent beach sate park, and Fort Williams park.
We had a nice gateway and kids enjoyed it too. Being around the parents for 24h, which kid doesn't love that? :)